Year 5 has already started.  It is hard to believe that just over four years ago Burgeon Outdoor was born.  

When we started we did not know if Burgeon would be a day hike, a Presi Traverse, a Direttissima, an Appalachian Trail through hike, or something more.  But we know now.  It is something more, much, much more.

We have had many ups and downs in our four short years, but we have emerged from each challenge stronger and better prepared for the future.  We plan to use the lessons we have learned to make Year 5 the best one yet!

As we look back on Year 4 there are some things to note.  First, we said goodbye to three wonderful employees, Marlies Holmes, Cathy Duffy, and Delia Sullivan.  

Marlies joined Burgeon when we were basically an idea and transformed our production team.  We barely knew how to sew hats and soon we were sewing key products in our line such as the Bond ¼ Zip, Highlander and Pemi hoodies, technical t-shirts and more.  Without Marlies we would not be the company we are today.  We will be forever grateful for her contributions to Burgeon.

Cathy was Burgeon’s second employee.  She attended our initial trainings in both Dover and Portland bringing her unique spirit and enthusiasm.  During the pandemic Cathy made over 5,000 masks for people and organizations in need and took great pride both in her job and Burgeon.  She went back to teaching after her Burgeon adventure and we wish her well - knowing any children in her care will be in great hands.

Delia Sullivan also recently left Burgeon - but she just moved up the street to New England Disabled Sports where she continues to be an ally and friend.  We wish her the best as she shifts her career in a new direction.  Delia filled in for us in countless times of need.  Her enthusiasm and dedication were outstanding.  We will miss her at the studio but are pleased to know she will continue to make Lincoln and the White Mountains a better place through her work with NEDS.

Year 4 also had some incredible milestones which have helped to transform Burgeon.  Some of highlights from Year 4:

Purchased select IP rights from a notable and historic White Mountains brand

Expanded our production to Gorham, New Hampshire and added three stitchers

to our team - Jamie Godbout, Karen Jutras, and Tina Mann 

Launched our first waterproof product - the women’s Tuckerman Hardshell

Hired a Director of Marketing, Tyler Murphy

Hired a Director of Operations, Tim Viveiros

Expanded our Trail Maintenance efforts to the Willey Range and Pine Link Trails

Sponsored Abishai Corey, a local ski racer who competed internationally this past season.

As we look to Year 5 we are excited and hopeful.  First, we are starting Year 5 with the best team we’ve ever had.  Our stitching quality and productivity has grown greatly over the past year - and while this will always be an area of focus and continuous improvement, we are in much better shape.  We are always on the lookout for talented stitchers - either in Lincoln or Gorham!

Second, our product outlook is strong.  We definitely stumbled in Year 4 trying to do too much too quickly, but (we think) we have learned our lesson.  Keep an eye out for our Men’s Tuckerman this Fall as well as other waterproof products we’re developing.  We are determined to constantly improve and innovate products that can withstand the difficult conditions of the White Mountains and beyond.

Finally, we are excited because of you, our customers and supporters.  The encouragement and support that you give us all year is appreciated and vital to our success.  The excitement and energy you bring to Burgeon is our unique selling point.

Four years ago people thought we were crazy to try and make premium outdoor apparel in the White Mountains of New Hampshire – designed here, tested here, made here, worn here – that was a flight of fantasy that would quickly die.  Well, they were wrong - -and it is because this whole community believes that what we are doing is important, valuable, and a new way to create outstanding apparel.

We thank you for your support and stay tuned for Year 5, it is going to be the best year yet!!