The Pandemic Begins

In late March, at the onset of the pandemic, Burgeon converted 100% of its production to making masks. Since then, they have manufactured over 10,000 cotton reusable masks and given them away for free. These masks served a critical role as our community battled the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Cathy's 1000th free mask

Burgeon donated masks to local healthcare organizations such as Maine General Hospital, Memorial Hospital (North Conway), and Ammonoosuc Community Health Services (ACHS) who used them for both staff and patients.  Burgeon recently began manufacturing yet another batch of masks for ACHS using materials donated by Garnet Hill, a clothing and accessories firm, based in Franconia, NH. 

Burgeon donated them to New Hampshire charities such as Loon Mountain Ministry (Lincoln) and Gather (Portsmouth) who used them to safely deliver meals to the homebound and needy during these challenging times.

Sample Mask

Burgeon also donated thousands of masks directly to individuals and families through their website. These so-called “mask drops” were a lifeline to many people who could not get access to them any other way. These masks were all sent for free—no charge—not even for postage. Many of these people expressed their gratitude through incredibly kind emails and cards.

Summer Begins

As the pandemic waned here in the White Mountains, Burgeon donated masks to organizations such as The White Mountains Trail Collective and the Appalachian Mountain Club.  These organizations used them in conjunction with trail maintenance efforts here in the White Mountains—helping to create opportunities for outdoor recreation.

AMC Mask

Burgeon was founded to make a better tomorrow for mountain communities— economically, environmentally, and socially.  Reflecting on the last seven months and the path to 10,000 masks, Burgeon Founder, Rudy Glocker states  “A year ago we never thought we would accomplish our mission by making such a relatively simple product. We are humbled by this opportunity to serve our community. We anxiously await the day when our masks are no longer required—and may that day come soon!”

To review the history of Burgeon’s efforts, please read:

If you would like to support Burgeon’s efforts, please visit our website and you can use coupon code ‘masks’ to save 20% on your order through Monday, November 2nd.

Shop Burgeon Products

If you know of individuals or organizations in need, please contact

Some of the organizations that have received Burgeon masks free of charge:

Ammonoosuc Community Health
Appalachian Mountain Club
Town of Barnstead
Cathedral Towers
Center Conway Fire Department
Cottage Hospital (Woodsville)
CS Mott Children’s Hospital
Granite Backcountry Alliance
Haverhill Cooperative Middle School
Hometown Eye Care
Lakes Region Mental Health
Linwood Community Volunteers
Loon Mountain Ministry
Maine General Medical Center
Manubay MD, LLC
Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester
Massachusetts Association of the Blind
Memorial Hospital (North Conway)
Town of New London
North Woodstock Post Office
Pemi Baker Community Health
Squam Lakes Science Center
Summit by Morrison
Taravista (Mental Health Service provider)
The Upper Valley Haven
White Mountains Trail Collective
White Mountains Visitor Center
Thousands of individuals in NH, NE and throughout the USA

To learn more about Burgeon, click here

To shop Burgeon Products, click here

We still have masks available free of charge at our Lincoln, NH studio.  You can also get them on our website (with a small charge for shipping and handling).

Burgeon Outdoor was founded in 2019.  Burgeon’s mission is to help mountain communities flourish.  Burgeon proudly manufactures premium outdoor apparel in Lincoln, NH.  By manufacturing locally, Burgeon creates year round jobs in the White Mountains.  5% of Burgeon’s sales support its community and environment efforts. To learn more, please visit our studio at the Village Shops in Lincoln, our website; or call us at 603-745-7123.